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                Truly connecting Smart Dubai with integration

During the shutdown, investment in Dubai didn’t have to shut down. Since the city’s Smart Dubai had digitized the investor experience, they were able to continue moving forward, thanks to integrated services powered by Software AG's

Smart Dubai is the entity responsible for the smart city program here in Dubai. Currently we are using Software AG technology to integrate services across the government. So this has helped us to be able to quickly respond to create the management and leadership dashboards that present the real time KPI's to the leadership so that they are able to make the right decisions and respond in an agile and timely manner.

Information from the different private sectors and health public sector organizations all across the city have been coming in through this kind of technology. So we've recently launched the platform called Invest In Dubai (

At the heart of that platform is the business process management engine coming from Software AG which then allows us to orchestrate and simplify the investor journey here in Dubai. We are very proud of the results that we've seen so far. So we've had a quite a long relationship with software AG as a strategic partner. It's a mutually beneficial relationship and we value the company and its leadership.

What has happened if we say that there is a silver lining to this crisis is that the demand that is coming on digital channels. So governments and entities that have invested in digital transformation and digital services - they were able to manage through the pandemic very well. They were open, their services continued to be available to their customers and citizens. So here in Dubai, the government has not shut down. We were able to provide all of our services even through the worst times of the lockdown because we've invested in technology.

We have most of our services available online and easily accessible recipes and servers. I think this will continue to be the norm.  

                    Meet the product behind the hero

Unlock innovation with integration.