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                Adabas & Natural 
in the cloud

                Webinar series

                Find your path to the cloud

Did you know Adabas & Natural applications can run virtually anywhere—even the cloud? Enjoy the speed, reliability, global scale and performance of the cloud, paired with the applications you trust. From virtual machines to containers, you can find the right path for your organization. 

Adabas & Natural are cloud ready. We think you are too.

                    Explore the journey to the cloud

The cloud can be an integral part of your Adabas & Natural 2050+ strategy. Discover the role that Linux and virtualization play in your journey and explore the blueprints for on-premises architectures and the cloud. Watch a demo of how you can “lift and shift” to the cloud in the blink of an eye and leverage containers and Kubernetes to deploy a cloud-native application.

                    Lift and shift to the cloud of your choice

Don’t be caught off guard when demand surges. Be ready to shine with a modern, agile and scalable solution. Get the reliability of your Adabas & Natural applications with the modern conveniences of running on the cloud. Discover how easy it is to lift and shift your workload to AWS or Azure® with the application architecture you already have in place.

                    Use containers with
Adabas & Natural

Break down that monolith! Atomize your application into modern microservices and use containers to move your Adabas & Natural applications to the cloud. See how easy it is to build your own container images or get a head start with our Adabas & Natural Community Edition for Docker.

                    Run containers on Kubernetes

Make your Adabas & Natural containerized application “cloud native”! Turn your most valuable core applications into a cloud-native app and take advantage of all the benefits of managed Kubernetes services. Re-architecting your application with microservices, containers and container orchestration are well worth your time now to set you up for decades of innovation.

                    Manage enterprise apps on Kubernetes

If you are making the move to the cloud, you want to take advantage of all it has to offer. Kubernetes eliminates many of the grueling manual processes involved in deploying and scaling containerized applications. Discover how you can deploy your applications to a managed Kubernetes cluster, add more resilience to your system and allow your microservices to scale on demand.

                    See, decide & act with Software AG

Let us help you explore the best path to the cloud for your organization.