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                Cloud native applications

                Create, run, and manage microservices-based apps with an adaptive, modern platform.

                An agile accelerant to your integration strategy

Microservices are heating up as businesses seek ways to do more, faster. But in order to live up to their promise, they need to be closely managed–ideally in the same environment as APIs. webMethods is the platform that makes this possible–bringing context awareness, on-the -fly updates, and developer freedom to microservices and cloud native applications.

                Connect faster

Get your microservices projects off the ground in a few clicks. Use our pre-built connectors to get momentum in a snap, while still maintaining close control over your microservices. 

                Do it with Docker®

Don’t get locked into one cloud platform. Take control of your own digital destiny with Docker® as a provider-agnostic container platform, with control and visibility from webMethods.

                Scale, at scale

Deploy only what you need, and nothing that you don’t. Manage your microservices and cloud native applications with precision and increase cloud usage in real time with increased demand.

                Be in the know

Add a layer of contextual awareness to your microservices so that you can act and react quickly to customer needs. When it comes to customer experience, context is king.

                Work as a team

A microservices architecture means development will be more distributed. Get the platform that makes distributed development possible, without slowing down the launch of cloud native applications.

                Chaos, meet order

Don’t put the potential of microservices at risk with uncontrolled chaos. Add a control layer so you know the who, where and what of every microservice that you use.

                        Microservices, macro-essential

Being nimble and agile to innovate at the speed of light is a strategic imperative for your business. To build a solid foundation for continuous innovation means the rapid adoption of new technologies like microservices to align IT with the demands of the business.

                Take control of your microservices

Get all of the benefits from cloud-native services with the manageability of APIs. Quickly create and publish microservices to scalable cloud and hybrid environments, and add a layer of application context for advanced control.

                    Be reliable

Get a built-in reactive architecture that improves the reliability of microservices and cloud native applications in the cloud.

                    Competition killer

Every day is a race to see who can keep up with customer trends, and every minute counts. Adapt in real time by applying policies to better target your consumers.

                    Don’t start from scratch

Start with the platform that’s rich with built-in services, integrations and DevOps tools so that you can build your apps faster and better.

                    A data-driven approach

Get deep visibility and metrics into what’s happening with your micrsoervices-based applications.

                    Protect consumers

Give your apps another layer of security – with advanced access control and private data protection.

                    How to choose a successful API strategy

Compiled from more than 85 Forrester reports, get the comprehensive strategy guide to get your next API project on track.

                    See, decide & act with Software AG

What you can do with microservices on webMethods? Let's find out.