Corporate social responsibility

                It's the foundation for everything we do

                Creating a sustainable and truly connected world

We believe that a truly connected world can be a more sustainable one, and are invested in making this happen. We help customers optimize their sustainable use of resources to backing important social programs and working with educational institutions around the world to promote the next generation of IT talent.

Dr. Peter Schnell, the cofounder of Software AG, laid the foundation for responsible action that lives in our company to this day. Back in the 1990s, he contributed all his stock in the company to launch the Software AG Foundation. The foundation is still Software AG's major shareholder and operates as an independent foundation using the earnings from its assets to promote ongoing human and social development.

In other words: Corporate social responsibility is firmly anchored in our DNA. We choose cultural diversity and employees who care about people and progress—now and in the future.

                Behaving responsibly

Sustainability and responsible action aren't just afterthoughts. They are guiding principles that are central to our mission at Software AG.

                    Sustainable progress

We are certain that moral principles and economic success not only go together, they belong together. Out of respect for future generations, it is important to us to conserve resources in order to achieve sustainable economic, ecological and social progress. 

                    Defining responsibility

Our responsibility is to be a long-term partner to help our customers around the world achieve long-term success and continuously improve our standards. It is to help our employees grow personally and professionally. And it is to add value to society and observe the highest social standards in our daily activities. By doing so, we promote education and innovation around the world.

                Social involvement

We believe in action. That's why we are so proud that so many Software AG colleagues around the world are engaged in volunteer projects—and we are happy to support and reward this commitment.

                    Supporting United Nations SDGs

The "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs) represent an agenda in the global fight against issues like hunger and poverty. Software AG and its research team are constantly pursuing these goals. With projects such as "SAUBER", "SynErgie", "REIF" and many more, Software AG ensures cleaner air, sustainable energy and minimizes food waste.

                    "Give back to the world" day

Sixteen motivated Software AG employees left their offices at the InnovationCampus Saarbruecken to invest their working hours in the renovation of a daycare center. They refurbished the interior and repainted several walls with the
paint, tools and equipment that Software AG donated.

                    Breast cancer awareness

As part of Software AG Soul Space and a diversity initiative, we conducted a Breast Cancer Awareness and Screening Program for our female colleagues in India in 2019. This program was conducted in partnership with MyCliniCare, which is a preventative healthcare company that has years of success in last-mile digital medical diagnostics and service innovation. The awareness session was an eye-opener with a lot of responses about how it helped the women overcome shyness and hesitation towards breast health and around 90 of them took the screening test over the span of two days!


sustAGE is a multi-disciplinary project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innivation program. It’s vision is to develop a person- centered smart solution to support prevention of workplace risks and ill-health of workers, improvement of physical and mental health and allowing effective human resource management via informed recommendations for job roles or task changes. in close collaboration with occupational specialists, psychologists and end-users, aiming to support the employment and later retirement of older adults from work.

                    Give wings to fly…

On 29th June, a few employees of Software AG in Bangalore visited the “Mathru Foundation” – a home for disabled children from rural India. As a part of the “MoveYourFeet” initiative they donated a check worth 8000€. The Mathru Foundation was founded by Malathi K. Holla, an extraordinary woman. She was stricken by polio at infancy, fought to become an international para-athlete representing India in the Paralympic Games and winning several gold medals in various international championships. It took her 34 surgeries, a severely painful journey and immense determination to scale this height. 

                    ARIS for schools

Congratulations to the students of Class 19 BÜ D of thePeter-Paul-Cahensly (PPC) school in Limburg for successfully passing the ARIS exam! Since spring 2021, PPC vocational students have been able to earn an official ARIS certificate from Software AG's University Relations program. As part of their course, they learn how business processes are digitally modeled and optimized. As an additional qualification, the certificate supports their future working life and increases their chances when applying for jobs.

                    Concert Day charity for preemies

Software AG employees have raised €6,730 for the premature and neonatal intensive care unit at Darmstadt's Princess Margaret Children's Hospital. The hospitals support association is using the funds to refurnish the nursery to provide the best possible care for their young patients. A total of 80 employees from sales took part in Software AG's virtual fundraising campaign and collected points for customer calls, which were then converted into a monetary donation.

                    Earth Day 2021

Sustainability is the new digital and, on Earth Day 2021, Software AG reaffirms its commitment to forging a sustainable path to the future. Our technology helps customers save water, reduce carbon emissions, decrease waste and breathe cleaner air. Our own programs include using clean-source electricity, recycling IT hardware, and reducing our carbon footprint. Together we, and our customers, can have a positive impact on reaching the EU’s climate protection goals.

                    MoveYourFeet for charity

Software AG bridges company sports, team spirit, and charitable and athletic commitment with MoveYourFeet, a global charity event. For every kilometer an employee runs, swims, bikes, skates or skis, a donation is made by Software AG, employees on the Supervisory Board and the Software AG Foundation. In 2020, our feet moved 4,341 kilometers to raise €22,500. In 13 years, our employees have covered 109,959 kilometers, more than twice around the world.

                    Using IoT to protect from climate change

Cities are especially vulnerable to climate change. Large concrete, glass and asphalt surfaces store heat. That results in heat islands that cause health problems and costly damage to infrastructure. We’re using the Internet of Things to recognize heat islands in real time and to predict and simulate them for urban planning purposes as part of the KLIPS research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. 

                    Keeping people connected during COVID-19

Lack of computers is a big issue in times of home schooling and lockdown. To help, our colleagues in Spain donated 15 laptops to local schools in Tres Cantos, near the Software AG España office. Seven laptops were donated to a well-regarded non-profit institution supporting elderly people in need in the Castilla La Mancha de Alcalá de Henares region. Early in 2021, the community’s mayor paid a visit to our employees to offer thanks.

                Appreciation for our stakeholders

Our stakeholders are a part of our company. They shape our culture and our values, and we thank them for helping to shape our continued evolution.

                    Our promise

For us, corporate social responsibility means showing conscious respect for responsible and sustainable action. For that reason, we embrace values such as trust and respect, openness and transparency above all else. For years, these principles have been used in our customer relationships, our technologies, our partnerships, employee training and decisions on investments in our company—to the benefit of our shareholders and society as a whole.

                    Our code of ethics

Social values also shape our international business activities. We introduced our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics back in 2011. These guidelines ensure good and responsible corporate governance and establish a framework for what Software AG considers to be ethically correct conduct in its day-to-day business and relationships with all of its stakeholders and their different cultures. The Code of Conduct is mandatory for all Software AG employees.

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