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See how to truly connect your world with insights from tech experts, your peers, analysts, Software AG partners and industry experts. View webinars on demand whenever it’s convenient. Check back regularly for new content. Interested in upcoming events? See our calendar

                    Cumulocity IoT: Innovation Highlights & Roadmap

IoT is set to make a huge impact on business. Get an inside look at the vision and product pipeline for Cumulocity IoT, as outlined by Dr. Juergen Kramer,  (GM, IoT & Analytics), Manish Devgan (SVP, Product Management IoT & Analytics) and Nikolaus Neuerburg (Director Product Management, IoT & Analytics)

                    Trendminer: Vision and roadmap

The future of industrial analytics is self-service. See what we are working on and where we are going with Trendminer, directly from Dr. Juergen Kramer, (GM, IoT & Analytics) and Thomas Dhollander (CTO, TrendMiner)

                    Going Carbon Neutral with IoT

Learn how IoT reduces carbon footprint and accelerates the shift to renewable energy. See how to achieve operational excellence at lower cost and how connecting assets improves reliability. Ideal for reliability engineers, CDOs, CTOs, CIOs, operational and EPC professionals, and sustainability champions.

                    IIoT: The Secret to Revenue Resiliency

When revenue’s been disrupted, XaaS with IIoT is a way to create predictable revenue and margin. Learn what XaaS or outcomes-based sales is all about and the capabilities you need to create and maintain a successful XaaS solution. This webcast is ideal for professionals in field services, sales, product development and manufacturing.

                    Machine Learning Made Simple

Discover the simplicity of self-service machine learning. See how to build machine learning models in days—no data scientists required! 

                    How to Get an IoT Edge

If you’re in manufacturing, transportation or logistics, or building smart cities, you’ll need IoT edge computing to meet business and operational requirements. So how do you get to the edge from where you are today?

                    Why IoT Needs Integration to Fulfill Its Promise

IoT is the Big Bang of Data with potentially tens of millions of endpoints, generating vast and valuable information on our factories, power plants, and even our health. But without integration, all that data is just a missed opportunity. See why you need a fluid flow of data between your IoT solution and enterprise systems to realize the promise of IoT.

                    Why IoT Projects Fail & How to Beat the Odds

Beecham’s Robin Duke-Woolley details the findings from research with 25,000 IoT adopters on the challenges and pitfalls of IoT projects. What were the obstacles to success? FInd out. 

                    Why your Integration Strategy Must be Hybrid

Integration strategy is the central piece that ties your enterprise together. But it is getting more and more complex across SaaS applications, IoT devices, B2B e-commerce supply chains and mobile apps—not to mention legacy applications. The solution is hybrid integration—something that traditional ESBs can't deliver. 

                    webMethods.io Integration: API & B2B Vision & Roadmap

The future of integration will be hybrid, and we are here to help. Get an inside look at the vision and product pipeline for webMethods.io from Subhash Ramachandran (SVP, Product Management), Sachin Gadre (VP, Product Management) and Przemek Kulik (Senior Director, Product Management)

                    webMethods Integration: API & Microservices Vision & Roadmap

See what’s new in the latest release of webMethods. In this webinar, Subhash Ramachandran (SVP, Product Management), Sachin Gadre (VP, Product Management) and Przemek Kulik (Senior Director, Product Management) walk through the product roadmap and vision for our award-winning integration platform.

                    See the Most Complete Cloud-Based Integration Offering

In der immer digitaleren Welt von heute ist es eine Herausforderung für Unternehmen, alle Anwendungen und Daten so zu integrieren, dass neue Projekte und Anwendungen schnell ausgerollt werden. Die Lösung: Eine Integrationsplattformen-as-a-Service (iPaaS) mit einer breiten Palette an Funktionen, um alles zu verbinden - von der App bis zur Edge. So können sich Unternehmen darauf konzentrieren alle Daten und Dienste nutzen, um leistungsstarke neue Angebote und bessere Kundenerfahrungen zu schaffen.

                    Modernize & API-enable Mainframe Applications

Make a better connection with the people who use your applications every day. Don’t just eliminate green screens when modernizing your mainframe, create a better UX by improving processes. With redesigned workflows, intuitive web interfaces and modern apps, your end users will see productivity gains that directly impact your business.

                    How to reduce operating costs by 7% in Retail

At the beginning of 2020, the retail industry experienced rapid, large-scale disruption as customers stayed home, preferring online e-commerce while demand skyrocketed. To keep pace, retailers need an enterprise-wide approach to optimizing business operating models, processes and working practices. Watch this webinar to see how Tesco thived while reducing operating costs by 7%.

                    ARIS: Vision and Roadmap

Get ready for true excellence with ARIS. Get an inside look at the purpose, vision and product pipeline for ARIS, compliments of Dr. Dominik Vanderhaegen (Head of ARIS Product Management) and Josephe Blondaut (Head of ARIS Product

                    Process Mining is Key But Not Enough 

For successful business transformation, process mining is key. It's equally important to consider three fundamentals of business transformation at the same time. This webinar shows in a case study how all three principles can be covered in ARIS as an integrated Enterprise Management System.

                    Set a Clear Strategy & Build a Flexible Design with ARIS

The need for transformation and operational excellence is gaining enormous significance and radically changing the way your company competes. In this series, industry leaders in operational process excellence from around the globe will share their expertise, guidance and best practices.

                    Operational Excellence is in Your Future

This webinar is for future-focused teams who want to learn how operational excellence impacts business and processes. Listen as Sandy Kemsley, BPM analyst, and Eric Roovers, business transformation leader @Software AG, share best practices for your success.

                    Good digital decisions in a world of rapid change

If drive strategy is the goal, an integrated IT portfolio management (ITPM) solution is key. Listen in as Dr. Ulrich Kalex, SVP at Software AG, and senior research analyst David O’Connell, of Aité Group, discuss how leading companies are using ITPM to align business strategy and operational execution, rationalize IT assets and increase agility in IT delivery. 

                    Alfabet: Vision and Roadmap

See which new capabilities we are rolling out to enrich the IT portfolio with ecosystem integration, as presented by Dr. Ulrich Kalex (SVP R&D and PLM, Alfabet) and Ali Rizvi (Product Manager)

                    Watch Alfabet playbooks

Stay ahead of the innovation curve by checking out the Alfabet Portfolio Playbook series, all on demand and revealing everything you need to know about IT portfolio management.

                    Adabas & Natural: Vision and Roadmap 

See the A&N innovations that will take you to 2050 and beyond in this presentation from Guido Falkenberg, SVP A&N Product Management.

                    Adabas & Natural on the Cloud

The cloud can be an integral part of your Adabas & Natural 2050+ strategy. Discover the role that Linux and virtualization play in your journey and explore the blueprints for on-premises architectures and the cloud. Watch a demo of how you can “lift and shift” to the cloud in the blink of an eye and leverage containers and Kubernetes to deploy a cloud-native application.

                    Lift & Shift to the Cloud of Your Choice

Don’t be caught off guard when demand surges. Be ready to shine with a modern, agile and scalable solution. Get the reliability of your Adabas & Natural applications with the modern conveniences of running on the cloud. Discover how easy it is to lift and shift your workload to AWS or Azure® with the application architecture you already have in place.

                    How to Use Containers with Adabas & Natural

Break down that monolith! Atomize your application into modern microservices and use containers to move your Adabas & Natural applications to the cloud. See how easy it is to build your own container images or get a head start with our Adabas & Natural Community Edition for Docker.

                    Run Adabas & Natural Containers on Kubernetes in the Cloud

Make your Adabas & Natural containerized application “cloud native”! Turn your most valuable core applications into a cloud-native app and take advantage of all the benefits of managed Kubernetes® services. Re-architecting your application with microservices, containers and container orchestration are well worth your time now to set you up for decades of innovation.

                    Manage Enterprise Applications with Kubernetes Container Orchestration

If you are making the move to the cloud, you want to take advantage of all it has to offer. Kubernetes eliminates many of the grueling manual processes involved in deploying and scaling containerized applications. Discover how you can deploy your applications to a managed Kubernetes cluster, add more resilience to your system and allow your microservices to scale on demand.

                    Sync Your Mainframe Data to the Cloud for Insights 

The cloud is your innovation platform. But your trusted system of record is your mainframe. The key to exploiting new cloud-based services and data analytics is mainframe integration.

                    How to Share Mainframe Data in Two Clicks 

Your mainframe applications manage massive amounts of valuable data and high-volume transactions. Unlock that data and gain more insights into your customers, channels and business operations. Transform data from Db2®, flat files, Adabas, IMS™, QSAM and VSAM™ into Standard Query Language (SQL) for easy access and integration with data lakes, business intelligence platforms, analytics tools and the cloud.

                    Connect Mainframe COBOL Applications with APIs

APIs are fueling the creation of new apps, development of customer-centric services and the delivery of new business models that capitalize on the widespread adoption of cloud, mobile and the Internet of Things. Your mainframe can easily participate. Create REST APIs from your mainframe business logic or user interface with minimal effort. Enrich your mainframe application functionality by consuming APIs from other sources.

                    Connect Your Mainframe to the Future of Your Business

Learn how to build new without tearing down what already exists, risk-free with a return-to-value in just hours or days. Innovate without expensive rip-and-replace strategies and without modifying valuable legacy code.