API management

                Connect data, apps, devices—all the “things” you need to speed innovation with APIs and microservices

                Manage APIs, maximize investments

Get new products and services out the door—faster! APIs and microservices can help you deliver new and differentiating products and services that improve customer engagement and loyalty to positively impact your bottom line.

From new mobile applications and omnichannel initiatives, to improved e-commerce and business processes, when you manage APIs and microservices you can drive differentiation and business growth in disruptive markets.

                Control API security

Protect APIs, data and microservices with authentication and access control. Set thresholds and limits to manage APIs and control usage.

                Manage microservices

Group and manage microservices just like you would with business apps.  Reuse and govern them to take control and avoid chaos.

                Monetize your data

Monitor who's using your APIs and microservices with increased transparency. Measure what's being consumed to directly or indirectly impact revenue.

                Attract developers

Create a storefront for your APIs with an API portal. Grow your developer ecosystem and build a community around your APIs.

                Catalog APIs

Manage the full API lifecycle across your entire API landscape. Catalog and govern all assets, from services to APIs, to understand the impact of change.

                Monitor API consumption

Avoid overspending on APIs. Measure what's being consumed and set thresholds with usage limits to control costs and tightly manage your budget.

                    Getting started with API management?

What is API management? It’s the way you control how APIs are used at your company—either how the APIs you publish are used by customers and partners, or the way you manage APIs within your company. It can be complicated, but it’s a lot simpler when you are using a leading API management platform.

We’re invested in your success. New customers can hit the ground running – in the right direction – with an API Management Architecture Assessment.

                Accelerate API innovations with webMethods 

Centralized management and visibility of all the components of your application is the foundation for innovative, dynamic, and customer-centric apps in the cloud. With the webMethods API management platform, you have a single place to manage APIs and related microservices as applications, so you can understand what your customers are doing, control your apps with policies and deliver app changes faster.

Our webMethods API management platform includes everything you need to manage APIs and microservices so you can go to market faster. Fused with application and network integration, our API platform gives you the visibility and control you need to take on innovative cloud initiatives with confidence.

                    Build APIs in 1 click

Instantly create APIs from existing services with a single API management tool. Don’t define the API or define the structure. Just identify it (one click) and webMethods does it for you.

                    Agility without chaos

Deploy microservices and manage them with confidence to move at the speed of innovation. The result? Agility, without the risk of chaos that can accompany service mesh architectures.


                    Protect your data

Securely provide access to your enterprise data and services to the outside world using an API platform.

                    Reduce latency

Store large amounts of transactional data in-memory to improve performance, reduce latency for data access, and scale your APIs for any volume.

                    Access open standards

Work with the latest standards without being locked in. Use the same platform to build different types of APIs. Ensure compliance and protections are in place as you support the most popular API use cases (data, user experience, request/reply) and more.

                    See why webMethods is #1 for API management

Regardless of your API needs, there is one plaftorm that is here to help. Learn why Software AG’s webMethods is rated the #1 platform.

                    See, decide & act with Software AG

What can you do with the webMethods? Let's find out.