
                The leader in enterprise architecture, IT portfolio management and strategic IT planning

                Accelerate your IT transformation with Alfabet

Digital transformation is pushing IT to do more. You’re tasked with mastering new tech, collaborating with the business on digital strategies and recommending strategic investments for the future. How can you do more with confidence? Go with the leader in enterprise architecture management, IT portfolio management and IT planning tools—Alfabet.

Industry-analyst-recognized Alfabet helps you invest in IT wisely by managing your current IT portfolio and collaboratively planning for the future.

                        Watch our playbooks

Stay ahead of the innovation curve by checking out the Alfabet Portfolio Playbook series, all on demand and revealing everything you need to know about IT portfolio management.

                        Watch our playbooks

Stay ahead of the innovation curve by checking out the Alfabet Portfolio Playbook series, all on-demand and revealing everything you need to know about IT portfolio management.

                Why you’ll love Alfabet 

                Master any challenge

Use the richest meta model for your IT projects: portfolio rationalization, strategy alignment, API management, Agile innovation, cloud management, project execution, M&A due diligence, risk management, GDPR, IT governance and more.

                 Enlist your army of experts 

Get stakeholders onboard with your digital transformation. Customize Alfabet to appeal to each stakeholder in look and feel, relevance of information, and clear procedures for task execution. Create stakeholder-relevant roadmaps, reports and workflows.

                 Align IT with business goals 

Configure Alfabet as you see fit to ensure its efficiency and effectiveness, productivity of the people working with it, and the value your enterprise gets from it ... all for the success of your organization's digital transformation program.

                 Leverage your knowledge 

Alfabet presides over a multitude of interfaces to all standard and commonly used IT management products to ensure a complete and accurate information basis. Change information is propagated reliably through to every occurrence of an artifact.

                Get up and running quickly  

If you're looking for fast results, we have your solution. Go for Alfabet FastLane, our SaaS for IT portfolio management in the cloud. Or choose our Alfabet Accelerator package and you’ll be on your way to results in just a few weeks or even days.

                    See, decide & act with Software AG

Find out what you can do with Alfabet for full-scale EA and IT portfolio management